Select the correct answer:

1. What is the chemical name of DDT?

2. What are Microsporum, Epidermophyton?

3. மைக்ரோஸ்போரம், எபிடெர்மோப்பைட்டான் யாவை?

4. Ovulation is stimulated by

5. Which gymnospermic plant cures rheumatism?

6. A special root-like structure in cuscuta and viscum is called

7. Which of the following is observed as 'National Girl Child Day'?

8. Which of the following was discovered by ONGC in the Indian Ocean on 26th July 2016?

9. Which Bill was passed in the Parliament of India in 2016 to adopt Uniform Tax of States?

10. Which State Governor was appointed as Tamilnadu Governor additional-charge in September, 2016?